Made in 7 Heaven
Hallituskatu 8, 33200 Tampere, FINLAND
050-381 00 07
instagram: @madein7heaven
Facebook: Made in 7 Heaven
Our Story
Made in 7 Heaven was born at a beauty salon in Finland for the needs of beauty professionals. Wellness Center 7. Taivas owner, Jenny Fager, noticed in 2015 that there is no Finnish professional cosmetics series on the market that would offer products extensively enough to meet the needs of all customers at the 7. Taivas Spa. The desire to Finnish products was so strong that the product development work had to start by Jenny herself.
With good partners, her own ten years of professional expertise, and an engineering background, Jenny finally dared to embark on this ambitious project. It has taken years of development work, but finally in March 2020, the product line was so extensive that it finally was ready to be released properly. In the same month, exactly five days after the launch, the Covid-19 lockdown began in Finland. However, Made in 7 Heaven has steadily gained new retailers who have wanted to switch to using Finnish products, partly because of the Covid.
However, even when the products have been launched, it does not mean that the brand is ready. On the contrary! The products are constantly being developed in close cooperation with the help of beauticians and consumers.
"We want to offer both consumers and beauty professionals quality products as well as individual experience through the brand we represent, so development work is a never-ending process"
Jenny Fager, founder of Made in 7 Heaven
Our philosophy is to work for nature:
- We strive to minimize the amount of waste in our products. When you buy our products, you will find that the individual products are not packed in cardboard box or plastic. Other packaging materials are recycled.
- Our bottles and jars are mainly made of high-quality and thick glass that can be recycled.
- All the products are vegan and cruelty-free.
Our values are:
Nature: In our products and operations, we want to take nature into account as a source of ingredients and as an inspiration. We avoid straining nature and wasting its resources in all our activities.
Customers: Our resellers and their customers are the foundation of all our operations. Their needs serve as a guide and inspiration in our operations.
Development: We actively develope our operations and products to achieve ever higher quality .